Jolly Tall
Jolly Tall is a cheerful character who is always smiling. He will rush to help anyone and his long neck is particularly useful for rescuing small friends from high places.
The first book about Jolly Tall tells of how the other toys first discover him in his cardboard box and the fun they have getting him out. His second book ‘Jolly Snow’ is about the toys’ attempts to show Jolly what snow is really like when he mentions that he has never seen any. Of course both books have jolly endings.

Fun Fact
Jolly really did arrive in a cardboard box. My sister sent him to me with a note saying she hoped he would inspire a new book. He did of course.

Quiz Corner
In ‘Jolly Snow’ when the toys all make different kinds of snow for Jolly Tall what is the sort of snow that he probably likes the best?
Bramwell Brown’s snowflake biscuits.