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Although Duck tends to be a rather grumpy character nobody really notices because he is also very lovable. He often expects things to go wrong rather than right and delights in warning the other toys.

Not being very energetic, Duck plods along with the others, joining in but never wanting to be the first to do things. He can flap his wings to jump but has never quite mastered the art of flying (though he hasn’t given up trying!)

Duck was made in the 1940s and was given to me many years before I wrote ‘Old Bear’. His bright orange beak and legs add a nice splash of colour to the illustrations and I didn’t hesitate to choose him as one of my first group of characters because he was so unlike the other toys.

Fun Fact

Because Duck is made of felt, the clothes moths love him and he has quite a few little holes. As a cure he has had to spend several days at a time in the freezer! Of course I don’t have to draw the holes; I can just pretend he’s as good as new.


Quiz Corner

Where does Duck hide in the game of hide and seek in ‘Little Bear Lost’.

A shoe-box.