Camel first appeared in my second book, ‘Little Bear’s Trousers’ where she gives Little Bear a ride when he is searching for his trousers.
She was made at the same time as Duck and is a similar 1940s felt toy. I really like her colour and her green felt fringes. She contrasts well with the paler colour of other toys like Little Bear and Rabbit.
Camel is a helpful and kind character and is a follower rather than a leader. She is one of the biggest of the group of toys so can carry more than one of the smaller toys on her back.

Fun Fact
Camel actually belongs to some friends who lent her to me over 30 years ago and have never asked for her back!
Quiz Corner
What did Camel use Little Bear’s trousers for when she found them.
She wore them on her back as a pair of hump-warmers!